Automating activities with workflows
Automate activities with workflows
Use workflows to automate common tasks in Trelica. Once y...
Build a workflow
You can build workflows to automate activities in Trelica...
Send a Slack message
Send an automated message to a user or channel in Slack. ...
Send email notifications
Send automated email notifications to people in your organ...
Run workflow steps in parallel with groups
Use groups to identify workflow steps that can be run at t...
Use custom fields and forms in workflows
You can include forms in workflows to collect data specifi...
Fetch data from lookup tables
Some types of workflow require input each time the workflo...
Manage workflow runs
Each time a workflow is triggered, a workflow "run" is cre...
Running a workflow from another application with the API webhook trigger
The API webhook trigger will start a workflow when you sen...
Run workflows from a CSV file
It's quite common to want to run a workflow multiple times...
Advanced webhook workflow triggers using JSON path queries (JMESPath)
This article references Okta webhook payloads but is not ...