Send automated email notifications to people in your organization.
You can add a workflow step that sends an email notification to individuals in your organization or people in specific roles referenced in the workflow. This is useful for informing people of what has changed. You can also include buttons in the email message so that the recipient(s) can respond to the notification and trigger the next step in the workflow.
By default, email notifications are sent from the
email address. If you want email notifications to be sent from an email address that belongs to your organization, you will need to set up a new sender in Trelica and update your DNS records. For more information, see Sending email from your own domain.
Set the email recipient
You can add one or more recipients in the To and Cc fields. If the workflow trigger or a previous step identified an app, you can select an app role as the recipient. When the workflow runs, the relevant individual will be identified. Similarly, if the workflow trigger or a previous step identified a person, you can set the recipient to that person, their line manager, or a custom role in relation to the person.

Setting the email recipients.
Edit the email template
Enter the email subject and message text that you want to send each time the workflow runs. If the workflow trigger or a previous step identified an app or a person using an app, you can include these details using merge fields. For example, including #application will include the name of the relevant app. Click Merge field to select from a list of available merge fields.

Editing the email template.
Embed buttons to drive workflow logic
You can include buttons in an email message and use these to drive subsequent workflow steps. This is useful if you need a person to answer a question to determine the next step of the workflow.
For example, if you have a step that sends an email notification to the line manager of a new starter, you could include buttons to ask ask if the new starter will need a paid license for a particular app. If they click "Yes", this could initiate a request to the app owna provisioning workflow step, whereas if they click "No" this could p.
You can embed one or two buttons in an email notification. You can trigger subsequent stages of the workflow based on the button that is clicked or if no response is provided within a specified number of days. Use the workflow outline on the left-hand side to add further steps for each possible outcome.
If you have opted to resend the email if no response is received, the 'No response' route will only become active once the final reminder has been sent and the time limit has again elapsed without a response. For example, if you set the response time limit to five days and configure one reminder, the email will be resent after five days and the outcome will be treated as 'no response' after ten days.

Including buttons in an email notification.
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