Fetch data from lookup tables

Some types of workflow require input each time the workflow runs. For example, if you are setting up a workflow to provision app users automatically, you may need to specify the user group to which each new app user should be added.

The simplest option is to use custom fields and forms to request input from someone within your organization each time the workflow is triggered. You can then use the field value in subsequent workflow steps. For example, you might include a form in an onboarding workflow to request the asset tag for each new starter's laptop, so that the asset can be assigned to them automatically. As forms involve a manual step each time the workflow runs, they are ideal for data that cannot be determined in advance. 

However, if the data required for a workflow run can be determined from information that is already available, then you can automate the data input step using lookup tables. For example, if user groups in a particular app are based on the person's team or location, you can create (or import) a lookup table to define the mappings between teams or locations and app user groups. Each time the workflow runs, the team or location of the workflow subject is used to fetch the appropriate group from the lookup table. 

Use cases

Lookup tables can be useful in the following situations:

  • Provisioning app users. You can use a lookup table to add the new app user to a user group based on the person's attributes (e.g. location, team or job title).
  • Adding a person to Trelica. You can use lookup tables to set the person type (i.e. employee, contractor or external) or add people to teams based on other details, such as their location or job title.
  • Creating tasks or tickets in external systems. If you have set up an integration to a ticket management system, such as Jira or Asana, you can populate default and custom fields automatically based on values in a lookup table. 

Add and edit lookup tables

To use lookup tables in a workflow, please contact Trelica Support and Customer Success. We will discuss your requirements and help you to set up a workflow with the appropriate logic. 

You can view and edit existing lookup tables from the workflow editor.

Lookup table config.png

When the workflow runs, Trelica matches the selected field value (such as the person's team or a custom workflow field) to a key in the lookup table and then returns the associated value.

Lookup table mappings.png

When adding new rows to a lookup table, it's important to ensure each key exactly matches one of the available field values. For help with new or existing lookup tables, please contact Trelica Support and Customer Success.

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