2024 release notes

December 2024


There is a new design for managing contract renewals, available with the new version of the Contracts module:

  • Notice deadline: Renewals are now timed around the notice deadline, which is the contract end date minus the notice period. If a notice period has not been input, a fallback value can be set, under Settings > Contracts > Notice period.
  • Renewal window: There is a new concept of a renewal window, which is 90 days ± notice deadline of a contract. During this time, a contract is highlighted on the main Dashboard renewals summary and widget, until marked as complete.
  • Process: There are two steps to processing a contract up for renewal, which are displayed at the top of the contract. The first is to indicate a decision (Renew / Terminate / Undecided); then to mark as 'Complete' once the vendor has been informed.
  • Renewals view: Contracts in the renewals window are displayed on the Renewals view, until they've been marked as complete. The decision (including 'Undecided') is displayed in this list and provides a way for IT / procurement to see where support might be needed. From the Contracts list, click 'Renewals'.
  • Renewals calendar: The Renewals calendar provides a visual breakdown of renewals, month-by-month. From the Contracts list, click the calendar icon (top right).

November 2024

The contracts and licenses features have been redesigned. The new version has a 'Contracts' area for handling renewals, terms and contract values; and when viewing each app, an 'Optimization' section for monitoring user license availability and setting cost per user.

Contact us to migrate to this new version. Trelica organizations created since September 2024 use the new version by default.


  • Contracts repository: The new Contracts area is the repository for all contracts, both fixed-term and subscription. Navigate to this by selecting 'Contracts' from the main menu.
  • Import and sync contracts: Synchronise contracts from contract management Integrations such as Ironclad or Coupa, or Import contracts from a spreadsheet. By contrast with the previous feature version, no other integrations can input data here, keeping this a reliable repository of contractual information only.
  • AI upload: Contracts can also be uploaded individually to Trelica. PDF will be processed by AI to extract and prefill details. From the Contracts page > click 'New' > upload the contract file.
  • Customisation: Add custom Contract fields which display on the contract 'Details' tab, and define other Contract categories to organise SaaS, IT assets, and services contracts for example. From the main menu, click Settings > Contracts.
  • Saved views & reports: Columns, filters and sort orders applied to the contract list can be saved, and shared via the view dropdown. Further, from Reports > Spend by app, select 'Values: Contract value' to report on this.


  • Optimization: When viewing any app, the 'Optimization' section on the Overview tab summarises user licenses for that app. For example, viewing Zoom with the integration enabled could display a bar for each of Zoom Basic and Zoom Pro, showing total license entitlement, number of each license assigned, and of those the proportion that are utilized / underutilized.
  • Linked contract: Each app license can be linked to a contract in order to set entitlement and cost per user automatically; or this can be input directly against the license.

October 2024

Access requests

Access requests have been enhanced to make it easier to configure and manage across apps, and to take action without logging in to Trelica:

  • Access requests list & Kanban: An Access Request report shows access requests across all apps. This can be viewed as a list or Kanban, and requests can be actioned directly from the view.
  • Access request widget: A widget on the Dashboard (bottom right) summarises the status of open requests.
  • Configuring access levels: The Overview tab for an app shows the list of Access levels, with policies displayed and configured within a drawer for each level. 
  • Separate approval and provisioning tasks: The steps of access requests are now structured as separate tasks for each step, rather than a single task moving through a sequence. This simplifies integrating the process (of part of it) with external ticketing systems.
  • Action requests direct from an email: 'Approve' or 'Decline' buttons can be selected directly from a request email sent to an approver.


  • Where the recipient of a renewal notification does not have access to Trelica, the notification will not link or provide instructions for actions in Trelica.
  • Values in the 'Spend by app report' no longer take timezone into account so that the values are the same for users in all timezones.
  • 'Revoke OAuth token' on app users has been fixed.

September 2024


The teams page now shows which apps a team uses, and the UI has been refined to help navigate the data. From Settings > Teams:

  • Apps used by a team: For any team, view the 'Applications' tab to see a list of apps used by that team. The 'Team share' column indicates the proportion of that app's users that come from the team being viewed. 
  • Empty teams are hidden: Integrations can often supply teams with no active employees as members. By default, these teams are now hidden from the Teams page to keep the list concise. To show them, select 'Everyone', then from the main context menu (...), 'Show empty teams'. This admin setting applies to all users and is reversible.
  • Navigation improvements: The teams page has UI has been refined to help navigate the data. The team tree and team details sections scroll independently and key details are frozen at the top.

User data quality

The user list for an app is built up from multiple sources. As these may vary in quality, identifying a source of truth enables a reliable user list to be established:

  • Primary source: For managed apps, a primary source is automatically set based on the following hierarchy: Direct integration > Bulk import > Identity Provider > None. This is visible for each app on the Overview tab in the Sources section. The app's user count and list is then filtered by default to that primary source.
  • SAML policy: For SAML-enabled managed apps, it is now possible to confirm whether logging in with SAML is enforced or not. Only when SAML is enforced will the Identify Provider be accepted as a primary source.


  • Excel export on Reports > 'Spend by app' is restored
  • Read-only users can see values in the 'Spend' column of the Applications inventory.

August 2024

Access requests

Access requests have been enhanced to provide greater visibility and interaction:

  • Tasks: Access request tasks have been split into approval and manual provisioning tasks so that workflows can run off the relevant triggers (once a request is approved vs once a request is raised).
  • Timeline: Previously, employees (via App Hub) and Trelica users could only see an access request's historical data. This has been enhanced to show completed, in-progress and pending steps.
  • Messaging: Employees (via App Hub) and Trelica users can now exchange messages with access request task owners.

July 2024

Trelica access

Access to Trelica has been re-organised, with the aims of simplifying the steps involved and providing increased control over permissions.

  • Custom user roles: To customise Trelica user roles, go to Settings > Users > Roles. Standard roles are listed, and custom roles can be configured with four levels of access covering the main areas of the system. 
  • Users managed from the People list: Access to Trelica is now managed from the People list. To grant access, select or create a person, then click 'Invite to Trelica'. Select the view 'Trelica access' to see just a list of users. Note that there is therefore no longer a separate Users page in the Admin menu.
  • App roles: App owner, IT admin and any custom app roles now have configurable Trelica permissions built-in - this means that, if their access is desired, there's no need to invite these users separately. To configure, go to Settings > Applications > Roles. For each custom role, choose the level of access (or no access) that this role confers.
  • App Hub access: All Trelica users have access to the App Hub if it is enabled. To give someone access to App Hub only, invite a person with no roles selected. For SSO access, the default role can be set as 'App Hub' under Settings > Users > Default Roles.


  • Assets multi-edit: Assets status, location, assignee and details can be edited in bulk. On the Assets register, check one or more checkboxes and select a bulk operation from the toolbar.
  • Send a form via email: A form can be sent to any email address via a workflow, with access conferred based on the recipient's email. This is useful for recipients without a Trelica user account, for example a new hire in the onboarding process. To use, add the 'Send email form' step in a workflow.
  • Offboarding action: The offboarding action can be configured for each app, depending on the what the integration for that app supports. From the view of an app > 'Overview' tab > 'Sources' box > 'Edit policy' and select from the options.

May 2024

Custom API calls from workflows

Use a workflow step to make a custom API request to an external system. This allows essentially limitless customisation and actions in systems that Trelica doesn't have a standard integration with. To use, add the 'API request' step to a workflow. 


  • Access request on behalf of: From the App Hub (in both the web app and Slack app), users can request access on behalf of a colleague. This capability can be toggled off / on via Settings > App Hub.
  • Relative date filters: For any date field, Advanced filters includes options relative to today, rather than a specified date. For example, on the People list > More filters > Add advanced filter > 'Start date' - select 'more than' / 'less than' n days ago / from now.
  • Spend rules using 'Source': Spend rules can be configured based on the source of a transaction, per integration instance. This enables transactions from different sources (e.g. finance v expense system) to be treated differently even if their descriptions are similar.


  • On app user lists, the Team column now returns data.
  • On app user list lists, it's possible to filter by team where the team membership is assigned via a group.
  • App owners can now manage access levels for the apps they are assigned.
  • Tasks for failed integrations are now being assigned to the app owner role if configured to do so.

April 2024

Spend report

A new report aims to make it easy to view and share key spend data over time.

  • Spend breakdown over time: Three main views breakdown spend and contract value by app, app owner and app status. Choose any time range with monthly, quarterly or yearly periods.
  • Reporting with custom fields: From the Application custom fields settings, radio button and select fields can be made available for this report.
  • Financial year: Report by financial year or quarter. Financial year start month is configured under Settings > Spend.
  • Drilldown: All data points can be clicked on to view the underlying values.
  • Search and export: All views and drilldowns can be searched and exported. The report is limited to the top 100 rows, but searching and export covers all rows.


  • Checkbox and radio App fields: Application fields support checkbox and radio button options. Existing select / multi-select dropdown fields can be switched to these formats.
  • Wait a minute: Workflow 'Wait' steps can now wait for a specified numbers of minutes, in addition to hours, days and weeks.
  • Workflow performance improvements: Workflow runs now start more quickly (reduced from a few seconds to almost immediate) and the UI shows live status so there's no need to refresh the page as a workflow progresses.
  • Set app and asset fields from workflow: Using the steps 'Set application fields' and 'Set asset fields'.
  • Line manager: A person's line manager can be manually set. This field is exposed on the Trelica API.


  • Audit logs on workflows runs track details of manual runs and when someone clicks 'proceed now'.
  • App and asset attribute edits are fully tracked in audit logs.
  • Deleting a conditional step in the workflow editor allows you to choose which branch to keep.
  • Assets export row limit increased from 1000 to 10000 rows.
  • Users can access multiple organisations by authenticating with SAML2.
  • On a workflow triggered by 'license not in use', editing the app clears down any previously selected license. This issue caused workflows that were copied / edited to a different app not to find matches when triggered.

March 2024

Savings tracker

  • The Savings tracker is now generally available. Full documentation is here.
  • Automatically track savings generated by optimization or offboarding workflows.
  • Where required, savings can be manually entered.

Task enhancements

  • Typing '@' in a task comment will let you tag other people, who will be automatically added as subscribers to the task.
  • Notifications about tasks that get sent to Slack can be replied to directly from Slack. The reply gets automatically added to the task comments. (To enable this you will need to reconnect Slack).
  • Standard Trelica notifications that reference other people now show with an '@' link to the person in Slack.
  • Tasks that have been created in external applications (e.g. Jira) wait for the external task application to close the task. You can now override this and close the Trelica task if needed. 


  • People list: bulk edit 'person type' directly from the list. Also, any on-demand or person related workflow can now be run from the people list (also via multi-select) or the person profile page.
  • Integrations: configure who gets notified when integrations fail. Previously the app owner was assigned to the task. Configure other app roles or individuals under Admin > Settings > Applications > Integrations. Also, disconnected integrations can now be completely deleted by admins if required.
  • App Hub: customize which filters get shown in App Hub under Admin > Settings > App Hub > Filters. The search in App Hub now matches app descriptions and categories.
  • Domains: there is now a dedicated page under Admin > Settings > Your organization > Domains for viewing domain settings. This helps customers who may have hundreds of registered domains.
  • Workflows: choice to skip or error where items cannot be found in lookup tables, 'user name' formatting option to show just the first part of an email address, field values can be used in text filters by wrapping the field name in braces.


  • 'Page not found' error after using Single Sign-On to login to the Browser Extension resolved.
  • People list was occasionally slow to respond when adding people as owners with > 10k people.
  • Spend import page no longer requires a manual browser page refresh when complete.

February 2024

New reports page

  • View all reports and saved views in one place, across spend, apps, people, assets and tasks.
  • Reports and views can be 'starred' to bring them to the top of the page for easy access. Users can see saved private views and all shared views.

Offboarding policy

  • The 'Offboard person from apps' workflow step previously raised tasks for apps assigned to departing people. You can now control the behavior on a per app basis, e.g. to deprovision through a connected application, or not to create a task at all. This can be set in the Sources panel on each application's profile page.


  • Transaction split: A single transaction can be split and attributed to multiple apps. For example, when a payment is for a vendor or suite, providing multiple apps. On the Transactions list, expand a transactions and click 'Split'. Rules can be used to allocate percentage splits on an ongoing basis.
  • Task notifications: owners, assignees and subscribers are now notified when comments are added to tasks.
  • Continue on workflow error: Workflows steps can be set to continue on error. This ensures important workflows (e.g. employee offboarding) complete as scheduled without being held up for a minor issue. Errors can be acknowledged afterwards in the workflow run view.
  • Trelica API SCIM support (beta): Previously the Trelica API supported the standard SCIM List users operation but now write operations are supported. This means that you can control who has access to Trelica from your Identity Provider (e.g. Okta, JumpCloud or Entra ID). SCIM can be enabled under Admin > Settings > Users > Single Sign-On (SSO).
  • People API endpoint: now includes the status field which can be filtered on (e.g. filter=status eq "Terminated").


  • Deleted automatically proposed spend rules will stay deleted and not be re-proposed in future.
  • 'Annualized contract value' column is consistent between the Applications list view and export.
  • PATCH operation now supported for assets API end point (PUT will clear down manually entered values).
  • Slack forms sent by workflows now have current field values passed through so the user can change them.

January 2024

Access requests (beta)

End users can request access to an app via the App Hub. This is currently in beta: contact us to have it enabled for trialling in your organization.

Once enabled, go to any Managed app and navigate to the new 'Access' tab to configure access requests. Full documentation is here.

  • Access levels: Define different levels of access that can be requested for a given app. For example, the free or paid license for an app, or the standard or admin access.
  • Approval chain: Configure a default approval for your org, and use this or customise per access level. For example, Line Managers could approve requests by default, but for privileged access the app owner could approve as a second step.
  • Automatic provisioning: Access can be provisioned automatically upon request / after approval. This can be done via direct integration or Okta assignment.
  • Manual provisioning: For apps with no suitable integration, provisioning can be managed via task assigned to the app's IT admin role.
  • App Hub in Slack: End users can raise their requests from the App Hub in the web app or via Trelica's Slack App. This avoids the need for the web app if desired.
  • Approvals in Slack: Approval can be handled entirely with a button click in Slack.


  • Embedded Help: Click 'help' from the left-hand menu to explore relevant help articles without leaving the app. 
  • Merge field options: Workflow steps to send email, Slack, Microsoft Teams message have more flexible merge fields. For example, they allow for selection of date format, variation on name (first / last / full).
  • Email any recipient from workflow: Workflow email steps now allow you to send To / Cc any email address, rather a specified 'Person' from Trelica.
  • Export all / visible: Under 'choose columns' on any list view (for example, Applications inventory), "Export all columns" can be unchecked to export only the visible columns, rather than all possible columns of data.
  • Microsoft Teams notifications: All notifications can configured to send via Teams, in addition to or instead of email. Go to Settings > Notifications to enable and configure. 

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