Manage people with Trelica

Trelica provides you with a holistic view of your IT estate by combining information about the apps in use at your organization with information about the people that use them.

The People directory provides an overview of your employees, contractors and any external users, together with the apps they are using. This complements the Apps inventory, which provides an overview of your apps together with details of who is using them. 

People directory.png

Starting with a person rather than an app means you can manage an individual's access to multiple apps at once. This includes:

  • Ensuring new starters have access to key apps when they join your organization.
  • Granting individuals access to the apps they require based on their current team.
  • Ensuring that individuals' access to apps is removed when they leave your organization. 

Each person's profile includes key details about the individual, such as their team, location and start date, together with the apps to which they have access and any login or usage information. If any details about individuals' expensed spend, app licenses and/or assigned hardware and other assets are available, these are also displayed.

Person profile.png

Line manager and teams

Line manager and team information can be useful when determining the apps to which an individual should have access. For example, you can configure onboarding workflows to ask the line manager for confirmation of start date before provisioning access to apps based on the employee's team. You can also use team data to report on app usage and spend by department.  

Team and line manager details can be imported from your IdP or HR system or added manually by editing the individual's profile. For more information, see Add people to teams.

Location and time zone

Time zone information is useful in the context of automated onboarding and offboarding. For example, you can configure an offboarding workflow to deprovision users at 5pm on an individual's termination date.  Location data can also be useful when deploying assets to individuals. 

Individuals' location and/or time zone details can be imported from your IdP or HR system. If this information is not provided by one of the Person profile sources, you can set an individual's location and/or time zone manually by editing their profile.

If no time zone is specified for an individual, their location time zone is applied. If no location is specified, the default time zone is used. You can change the default time zone from Admin > Settings > Organization > Organization profile.

Additional email addresses 

If your IdP records a number of aliases for an individual (for example, because a person has changed their name or goes by a nickname) these are displayed on their profile page. Depending on how closely the alias resembles the individual's primary email address, Trelica will either:

  • Add the email address to the person profile and associate any data (such as app usage or spend) with that person.
  • List the email address as a possible match for the person while recording any data against a separate profile. 

To review possible matches, click the N Other link below the list of email addresses. If the alias is an email address for the individual, click Confirm. When you confirm a match, the existing person profile for that email address is merged with the current profile. This ensures that app usage associated with different email addresses is correctly recorded against the same person in Trelica. 

Other email addresses.png

Email aliases can also be used to send emails for generic accounts (such as  to an individual's mailbox or to forward a former employee's emails to a current employee. If these aliases are recorded in your IdP, they will be listed as other email addresses on the person's profile, as described above. We recommend that you do not confirm these email addresses as to do so would cause the two profiles to be merged. 

Start and termination dates

Employees' and contractors' start and termination dates can be used to trigger onboarding and offboarding workflows. 

Start and termination dates are  usually provided by the IdP or HR system that has been identified as your lifecycle source. For more information, see Manage people and identity sources. If start and/or termination dates are not provided by your lifecycle source, you can set the dates manually from a person's profile. 

Next steps

You can configure workflows to automate onboarding and offboarding for your employees. You can also use access policies to grant users access to apps based on their team. For more information about populating the People directory, see Configure people and identity sources.

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