Add people to teams

In Trelica, teams reflect your organization's structure. For example, you might create teams for different departments such as HR, Finance, Sales or Customer Support. You can organize teams into a hierarchy by adding parent and child teams.

You can use teams to:

If your IdP or HR system records individuals' teams or departments, you can import this information into Trelica automatically. Alternatively, you can create teams manually and either add individuals to them one at a time or associate teams with existing user groups in apps you have connected to Trelica. 

Import teams from an IdP or HR system

You can import teams from any of the IdPs or HR systems that you have listed as Person profile sources. Navigate to Admin > Settings > People, expand Teams source and select the system you want to use as a source of team information. If you select Google Workspace, you can choose whether to use organizational units or a department attribute as your teams source. Click Save and then refresh the integration.

Team source IDP.png

Once the data has been imported, teams are listed on the Teams page and people are added to teams automatically. You can add more teams manually and edit the structure and membership of teams as described below. 

Changing teams source can result in duplicate teams. To remove duplicate teams, contact Trelica Support and Customer Success.

Manage teams manually

If you do not want to import teams from an IdP or HR system, you can create teams and either add people to them manually or associate app user groups with particular teams.  

To create and add people to teams manually, navigate to Admin > Settings > People and expand Teams source. Select Manual or groups and then click Save. Then, open the Teams page and edit your team structure and membership as described below.

Edit team structure and membership

Regardless of whether you're importing teams from another system or adding them manually, you can add and edit teams from the Teams page

To create a new team and populate it from an app user group, click Add team and select the relevant group from the list. If you do not want to populate the team from an app user group, just leave the group selection blank. 

To edit your team hierarchy, select an existing team, expand the context menu and then select Move team. You can select a new parent team from the list. 

To add individuals to a team, select an existing team, click Add member and then select a person from the list.

Protect app users from deprovisioning

You can protect members of particular teams from having their app user accounts deprovisioned. This is useful if you have configured optimization workflows to revoke or downgrade app user's licenses automatically based on low usage, and you do not want to apply this logic to people in specific teams (such as the IT team). 

For more information, see Protect app users from automatic deprovisioning


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