Manage app license renewals

This guide relates to the legacy version of the Contracts and Licenses feature. For information about using the new Contracts feature, see Manage contracts and renewals.

Once you have recorded license details for some or all of your apps, you can use Trelica to manage license renewals. App licenses are displayed both on the Licenses list and on the Licenses tab of individual app profiles.

License status

The status of each license is determined automatically based on the license duration, renewal date and the corresponding app status:

  • Active - The license is current with a renewal date more than 90 days in the future.
  • Renewal due - The license is due for renewal in the next 90 days. To identify licenses that are due for renewal in a different timeframe, use the "Renewal date" filter.
  • Overdue - The license renewal date is in the past and the license has not been renewed using the "Renew" option. If you have added a new license, ensure you terminate the old license to prevent it from being listed as overdue. 
  • Renewed - The license has been renewed and a new renewal date has not been set or the renewal date is in the past.
  • Offboarding - The app status has been set to "Plan to close".
  • Terminated - The license has been terminated. This option should only be used if the license is not being renewed. Terminated licenses are hidden by default.
  • Closed - The app status has been set to "Closed".

Any licenses that are due to expire or that have already expired are also highlighted in orange and red, respectively.

You can filter the Licenses list by status and/or renewal date to identify licenses that are due or overdue for renewal. You can also view renewal dates from the renewals calendar.

To filter the Apps inventory by license state and other license details, select More filters > Add filter and search for "license". Add the license filter parameters and then set the filter values and click Apply.

Updating licenses due for renewal

Once a license is due or overdue for renewal, you can renew or terminate the license. From the Licenses list or Licenses tab on the app profile, click the relevant license to pull out the license details drawer.

If the license is not being renewed, click Terminate to archive the license. (You can still access this license information later, but it will remove the license from your renewals list and calendar.)

To renew the license, click Renew. The license details dialog is displayed. The plan name and pricing details from the previous license are all rolled forward. Update this information as required to account for any changes to the new license term e.g. increase in user count or change of pricing.

When you renew a license, the start date for the renewal is automatically set to continue from the expiration of the previous license. If you're renewing early, or there is a slight gap between the expiration of the previous license and the start of the renewal, be sure to update the start date manually to reflect the new license term.

View renewal history

One of the benefits of using the renewal feature in Trelica (as opposed to terminating old licenses and creating new ones) is that you build up a history of renewals that you can view in one place.

Click on a license to pull out the license details drawer. The History section is displayed at the bottom of the details drawer.

Renewal history.png

Configure renewal notifications

You can configure renewal notification alerts to remind those responsible to renew their licenses. This is particularly useful for managed apps to which you have assigned an app owner, IT admin, or other custom app role.  

To configure app license renewal notifications:

  1. Select Admin > Settings > Notifications to open the Notification Settings page.
  2. For each license renewal reminder, click the context menu and select Edit recipients.
  3. Select either a named individual from your organization or an app role, such as App Owner, IT Admin or a custom app role. If you select an app role, the notification is sent to the person in the selected role for the app in question.
  4. Click Save and then enable the notification. Notifications are sent automatically as and when app license renewal dates reach the relevant reminder threshold. Notifications are not sent for any app licenses that have already reached the reminder threshold at the time the notification is enabled. 

By default, email notifications are sent from the email address. To send email notifications from an email address that belongs to your organization, set up a new sender in Trelica and update your DNS records. For more information, see Sending email from your own domain.

Next steps

Once you have imported accurate spend and license data for your managed apps, you can configure workflows to optimize license app license allocations automatically. 

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