When Trelica discovers a new app, it is matched against our central library of apps and details such as the app audience, vendor and licensing model are populated. This information is displayed in the Applications inventory and on individual app pages.
You can supplement this data further by adding custom attributes to apps. You can also associate individuals from your organization with particular apps by assigning them to app roles.
Custom app fields
You can define custom app fields to record additional information about apps. Once you have populated these custom fields for some or all of the apps in your inventory, you can filter the Applications inventory by these attributes. You can also use these attributes to define trigger criteria for automated workflows.
To create new custom attributes and view or edit existing custom app fields, navigate to Admin > Settings > Applications > Application fields. You can also control whether the data in these fields is displayed to end users who have access to the App Hub.
App roles
You can assign an owner and and an IT admin (as well as custom roles) for each app.
Users in the Owner role can view and edit the app details in Trelica, including license, spend and user information. This is useful if there are individuals in your organization that are responsible for particular apps, but who should not have full admin access to Trelica. For more information about permissions, see User roles.
We recommend assigning owners for managed apps. This identifies the main point of contact responsible for spend and licensing decisions. You can also assign owners for apps in other states and non-business apps if you wish.
Users in the IT admin role receive notifications relating to the app integration (e.g. if the integration needs reconnecting).
To enable or disable the default app roles and create custom app roles, navigate to Admin > Settings > Applications > Roles. To view the permissions that are granted to an existing role, click the relevant row in the table.
Default and custom app roles are also useful when you set up automated workflows: you can send notifications and assign tasks to an app role rather than to a named individual. For example, in a workflow to optimize license allocations for a particular app, you might send an email to the app owner to inform them that a user's license has been downgraded. Each time the workflow runs, the notification is sent to the individual in the relevant role for the app.
If you're using Trelica to manage license renewals, you may want to be able to send notifications to a contact at the vendor company. To make it possible to record vendor contact details for each app and include those details as merge fields in email notifications, enable Show vendor contact.
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