2022 release notes

December 2022

Employee offboarding workflows

When an employee leaves, all the apps they used need to be swiftly deprovisioned to ensure they no longer have access. Audit standards such as SOC2 require a record that this took place on time. Trelica now captures and incorporates the necessary data to support this, including creating a checklist list of all apps being used by a leaver.

  • Lifecycle source: To get started, define the source of truth for leaving dates under Settings > People > Lifecycle source. The source can be an HR system or identity provider app, and will be based on a leaving date field if supplied, else the status of the employee in the source app.
  • Offboarding template: Choose the 'Offboard employee' workflow template to add a simple offboarding workflow that you can use straight away.
  • Offboard in bulk: Offboard one or more people directly from the People list by checking the checkboxes and clicking 'Offboard'. Any workflows triggered by 'Person leaves' can be initiated from this context.
  • Upcoming offboarding workflows: Any offboarding workflows due to run for a person leaving in the next 90 days are displayed at the top of the person's profile, with an option to 'Trigger now' instead.
  • Approvals: Optionally add an approval step to the start of an offboarding workflow, on the 'Person leaves' trigger. People in 'Protected' teams will always require approval.
  • 'Offboard person from apps': This new workflow step (included in the template) will automatically identify all apps that a person has (or recently had) at time leaving, and create a checklist of these in the workflow run view. This checklist then serves as a permanent record for audit purposes, showing when and how each app was deprovisioned.


  • Request new app: App Hub users can be given the option to request a new app not currently listed. Once enabled from Settings > App Hub, a 'Request New App' button appears on the main App Hub page. Admins receive the requests and can choose to approve or reject, with a message sent to the requester.


  • Workflows triggered when a 'Person leaves' will only apply if the person has at least one lifecycle provider which was then deprovisioned, or the person's leaving date is set manually. This means that historic leavers, or external users whose accounts are deprovisioned – neither of which would have a lifecycle provider in Trelica – will not be run through these workflow automatically.
  • Line items can now be extracted from uploaded contracts in which the tables contain merged or blank cells.
  • The 'Leaver' tag, used to indicate a user that was leaving soon, has been removed; it is replaced by a 'Terminated' tag, shown only once a person has left.
  • Slack messages from workflows with the option "if no response, resend the message" no longer show as 'Failed' when re-sent. Previously, such messages were sent successfully, but appeared to have failed from the workflow run view.
  • The cost per user of an app is now calculated in the case there there is >1 license assigned to that user and 1 license has no value.


November 2022


  • Sub-workflows: Trigger one workflow from another by adding the 'Trigger another workflow' step to the primary workflow. The sub-workflow will then run in parallel. This allows you to build common procedures once for use in different contexts.
  • On demand workflow trigger: Trigger a workflow only manually or from another flow, by starting with the 'On demand' trigger. This gives a starting point for an ad hoc procedure or sub-flow.
  • Reset workflow matches: The App, Person and User meets criteria workflow triggers can be optionally reset so that the same object can run through the workflow again. This allows, for example, an app or user to go through a regular check or process.


  • When a button expires in a Slack message from Trelica (e.g. after a time limit or aborting the workflow), clicking the button will now return a 'Button expired' message.
  • The app owner picklist now shows up to 30 suggestions, and the suggestion logic based on roles has been refined.

October 2022

Manually track users

For some apps, an integration to provide user data isn't possible, or only provides partial data. This might be due to limitations of the app's API, or having too few users to merit an integration.

For such cases, you can add or supplement user data manually by creating, editing and deleting users in Trelica via the UI. You can also do this in bulk by importing a user list from a spreadsheet or CSV file. From the 'Users' tab for any app:

  • Create users: Create one or multiple users by simply entering their email addresses, and optionally specifying license and role. Click 'Create user' > Input their email address(es) > click 'Create in Trelica'.
  • Edit users: Any user can be edited to add license, role, last login and other metrics. In the case of users discovered via integrations or the browser extension, this can be used to supplement the data that these sources provide. In the user list > context menu > 'Edit in Trelica'.
  • Import users: Previously, users could only be imported from a spreadsheet for specific apps. This is now possible for all apps, using your own template and column mapping. In the user tab context menu > 'Import users'.
  • Audit log: A new, searchable audit log tracks the main events for each app user, including edits and adding 'Protected' status. From any user > context menu > 'Audit log'.
  • Saved views: Save a filtered view of a user list, and optionally share it internally. This can help you direct colleagues to a particular list of unengaged users, for example. From the user tab > click 'Default view' > 'Save view...'.

Other improvements

  • Slack Enterprise grid messages: Send Slack messages via the workflow to channels on Slack Enterprise Grid.
  • New message editor: The editor for Slack and email messages (in workflows, for example) is upgraded, including a clearer design for merge fields.
  • Contract & license lists: The license list now displays the start date for rolling and perpetual licenses.
  • Task due reminder: When a task is due, a reminder email is sent out at midnight UTC.
  • 180 day unengaged threshold: On the 'License not in use' workflow trigger, there is an additional option of 180 days after which a user can be deemed unengaged.
  • Edit custom field options: Options custom fields (picklist) on apps and assets can now be edited, so that options can be renamed, reordered or added to.


  • Terminated employees who are 'protected' from deprovisioning now require admin approval before their accounts are deactivated, suspended or deleted by workflows.
  • In the workflow editor, saving an email step on a 'timeout' branch is now fixed.
  • Any access risk associated with an app is cleared once all users have been removed (via OAuth token expiration or revocation).
  • The layout of the menu on the 'Get started' wizard for new accounts is restored, so that it has a consistent size and position.
  • Any app that has been connected with an integration (now or in the past) can no longer be deleted. This ensures data integrity and maintains a clear record of historic data.
  • Picklists for selecting or filtering on people (such as app owner, asset assignee, etc) and the Teams view are updated to show only new or active employees and contractors.

September 2022

Integrated user actions

For apps that are integrated directly and/or via Okta, you can manage user access and license assignments directly from Trelica with new granular user actions.

  • Individual user: From the user list for an integrated app, applicable integration actions are listed in the context menu for each user.
  • Bulk actions: Bulk actions are available for up to 100 selected users.
  • Workflow actions: In workflow editor's revised 'Add step' dialog, select an integrated app from the menu to see a list of available user action that can be added for that app.

Previously, Trelica offered a generic 'deprovision' action. This will be phased out for specific integrations and replaced with the following new user actions:

  • Edit licenses: Assign and unassign licenses
  • Suspend: Remove a user's access, whilst preserving their account data and license assignments.
  • Deactivate: Remove a user's access and free up their licenses whilst preserving their account data.
  • Delete: Remove a user's access, free up their licenses, and delete account data.

Existing workflows using the 'Deprovision' step will continue to work as previously, and can be edited to use a new action when available.

Other improvements

  • Team cost: The Teams view shows the total cost / yr of a team and each member. Click on the team cost to explore and breakdown the data further.
  • License last changed: The date that a license was last assigned / unassigned to a user is tracked from now on, and can be filtered or displayed as an optional column on app user lists.
  • Workflow run list current step: On the workflow run list, the current / final step of each run is displayed. This gives a quick overview of the status or outcome across runs.
  • Freshdesk + Zendesk sync: Synching of tasks now supported for Freshdesk and Zendesk.


  • On the app view, the default Application URL can be optionally overridden.
  • On the person Overview tab, sources for both deactivated and suspended user accounts appear greyed out.
  • On Slack message workflow run steps, the 'ran at' timestamp is now the time that the message was sent, rather than the time that the step completed (user responded or timeout).
  • It is now possible to export large numbers of users for an application (10,000+).


August 2022

Improvements to workflows

  • When using the 'App license not in use' trigger:
    • More app-specific metrics are available for defining "unengaged users". For example, for Zoom you might use the number of Pro meetings in the last month to determine whether a user needs a Pro license.
    • You can choose whether to apply the same steps for both unengaged and terminated users, or create different routes based on the trigger.
    • It is now possible to reset workflow runs automatically. This is useful if you have included a step to ask users whether they still need a license and they have responded that they do, resulting in them keeping their license. Now, if the app user meets the trigger conditions 30, 60, 90 or 365 days after the initial run (for example, because they have not used the app in that time) then the workflow will run again.
  • When using buttons in an email or Slack step to request user input, you can configure the message to resend once or twice before the outcome is treated as 'no response'.
  • You can now include links in email messages sent from workflows.
  • The option to revoke OAuth tokens via Google Workspace is now available for workflows using the 'Application discovered', 'App meets criteria', 'User meets criteria' or 'License not in use' triggers.
  • The options for the workflow 'wait step' have been expanded.
  • When making changes to a workflow filter, both the number of people, app users or apps that match the new filter criteria and the number of those that are new matches (and will therefore be the subject of runs unless 'Exclude existing matches on first run' is selected) are displayed.
  • Workflow version history is now available from the workflow audit log.
  • It is now possible to select multiple workflow runs and bulk abort them.
  • It is now possible to export workflow run data to an Excel spreadsheet.
  • An issue that prevented app roles from being selected as email and Slack message recipients in some circumstances has been resolved.

Other improvements

  • License termination date: When a license is terminated, the date can be manually set to plan for an upcoming termination, or retrospectively record it.
  • Updating transactions via import: The transactions import tool now supports reimporting existing transactions, if a transaction ID has been supplied. This can be used to update existing records.
  • Special characters: When onboarding new users, accents and other special characters are normalized before generating user names and email addresses.


  • Columns for app user indicators (such as that showing the number of zoom pro meetings a user has held) are now sortable again.
  • App owners can change the status of apps which they own.


New endpoints:

July 2022

Applications improvements

  • You can now choose to display custom application fields in the App Hub.
  • If an app owner has been terminated, this is now indicated in the Applications list and on the app details page. It is no longer to add a terminated user to the app owner role for an app.

Other improvements

  • Workflows: When testing the filter for a 'License not in use' workflow trigger, there is now an option to open the user list for the app in question with the filter applied. This is useful if the filter returns more users than can be displayed in the dialog.
  • Integrations: When a person has been invited to connect an app to Trelica, this is now indicated on the integration details page.
  • Reports: A new 'People insight' report is available. This report allows you to explore teams, costs and when people started and left.
  • Assets: The default Asset list views have been rationalised and a new 'Replacement due' default view is available. The Asset list export now includes all asset fields.


  • Changes to custom asset locations are now recorded in the site audit log.
  • An issue that prevented the 'API token' field from being displayed when configuring an integration to Miro with provisioning or deprovisioning enabled has been resolved.
  • Breaking down the Spend Insight report by custom application fields did not return any data. This issue has now been fixed.
  • When opening a completed workflow run, the first step is now selected by default.

June 2022


  • Spend rules: The Spend Rules list now includes the app instance name where applicable.
  • Workflows:
    • Deleting a workflow step with a single output no longer deletes the subsequent steps.
    • When viewing the details of a run for a workflow that includes groups, the main steps of the workflow are included in the run outline. Click an item in a group to view the step details.
  • Terminated users in roles: Users who are assigned to roles such as app owner are highlighted in red from the app list and on the app view.
  • App views: The "Unidentified apps" view no longer includes apps with a status of "Ignored" or "Closed".


  • Rows in the Permissions Risk report now expand when the 'Permissions' count is clicked.
  • The license status filter for 'Offboarding' and 'Closed' returned no results. This now works and shows the correct count of licenses.
  • If there are multiple instances of an app, the license name now includes both the app and instance name.
  • Workflow run status now distinguishes between runs that are waiting for input from the user ('Waiting for user') and runs that require input from the workflow admin ('Needs input').
  • Filtering the Apps list by apps with a license renewal date within a specified date range now only checks active licenses; if an app license has been terminated and has a renewal date that falls within the date range, the app is not included in the results.
  • When connecting to Okta from the Getting Started wizard, users are now prompted to enter the URL and API key.

May 2022


In an earlier release, we added a new area of the product for tracking physicals IT assets, such as laptops and smartphones. We've incorporated feedback from early adopters to bring this out of beta.

To get started, enable the feature in Settings > Assets. Then from the main menu, select Assets.

  • Creating assets: Create an asset in just a few clicks, by selecting from our library of standard models (Dell XPS 15, IPhone 13, etc), or enter the model details yourself. Frequently used asset models will be suggested first.
  • Cost in multicurrency: Record asset cost in the currency it was purchased. The system will convert to your organization's primary currency for reporting, with exchange rate based on the date of purchase.
  • Custom fields: Track extra asset details by creating custom fields. Go to Settings > Assets > Asset fields > 'New'.
  • Asset tag: If your organisation has its own asset tagging system, you can define the default pattern for this in Settings > Assets > section 'Asset tag'.

Saved views

Views of Apps, People, Assets, or Tasks that you use frequently can now be saved and shared with colleagues.

  • Save a view: Configure your column and filter choices, and then from the view select dropdown (top right of Apps, People, Assets, or Tasks), click 'Save view' at the bottom.
  • Private and Shared: All users can save their own views. Admins can also share views with the rest of their organisation and edit any shared view.
  • Share a link: Views have a unique hyperlink so you can easily direct colleagues to them. From the view select dropdown > 'Manage views' (at the bottom) > select the view of interest > 'Actions' > 'Copy link'.


  • App hub links: Display helpful shortcuts for end users from the app hub. Options include: Normal links - www.example.com; Other pages in Trelica - /spend; Addressed emails - mailto:support@trelica.com; Slack: Slack://open.
  • Cost per person: On the person list, the cost of each person based on their licensed apps is available to display as a column and included in the export.
  • Workflows: A new "Person leaves" trigger has been added which can be used to deprovision app users. The 'Send email' workflow step now includes a CC field.


  • Cloning a workflow could lead to duplicate workflow runs. This has been fixed and any duplicates prior to the fix removed.
  • 'License not in use' workflow step now uses 'user discovered [by Trelica] date' if 'user created [in app] date' is not known, to determine whether a user is new. Previously, such users would fall out of scope of the filter, so could not be deprovisioned via workflow.
  • When importing a user list, users will be merged provided they have the same email and non-conflicting IDs for the application.
  • Wrapping in text fields on app details is restored.
  • The process for connecting an integration to an additional instance has been refined, giving users a choice of selecting an existing instance or creating a new one and specifying the name.
  • When deleting a spend rule, selecting the option to 'Unmatch all transactions for this rule' now removes transactions correctly.
  • When adding a license to a contract, an issue which caused the 'Application' search field to clear automatically has been resolved.
  • The option to send a Slack message as part of a workflow is now displayed only if a Slack integration has been configured with the 'Send messages' feature enabled.
  • When previewing an assessment, the 'Save' and 'Create response' buttons are now disabled.
  • An issue that prevented the Trelica Browser Extension from collecting data has been resolved.

April 2022 (2)

Slack messages

In the last release, we added the ability for a workflow to send messages to people or public channels in Slack. With a few finishing touches, this is now out of beta.

In any the editor view of any workflow, add the 'Send Slack message' step. From here:

  • Message private channels: To message a private channel, add the Trelica app to the channel. Then in the workflow step editor, select 'Private channel', enter the channel ID (from Slack > 'channel details'), and press the search button to find the channel and confirm.
  • Insert fields: In the title and message editor, click '# Insert field' to get a list of dynamic fields that can be added to a Slack message. e.g. #application will insert the relevant application name.
  • Text formatting: The message editor now supports Slack's version of markdown. With this, you can add styling to your Slack message with font formats, links, emoji, and more.
  • Test: Click 'Test' and select a recipient (e.g. yourself) to send a test version of your message in Slack.


  • Embed App Hub in intranet: The App Hub can be embedded in an intranet or other external application to make it easier for employees to access. This is available for Happeo under Settings > App hub > Embed in intranet. Learn more.
  • Duplicate a workflow: Duplicate a workflow if you wish to create a new workflow similar to an existing one. From the Workflows list > Context menu (...) > Duplicate.
  • Custom send-from email: Send emails from Trelica using an email address belonging to your organization. This is now supported for all main alerts, including alerts related to user account management, tasks, assessments and integrations. See Adding an SPF record for setup instructions.
  • Contracts: It is now possible to record the App Owner for a contract.


  • The responses lists in Assessments can now be sorted by clicking column headers. Sortable columns highlight when hovered: first click applies default sort, seconds reverses order, third time resets.
  • Filtering the apps list by spend (in last year) <= $0 didn't include that had never had any spend. These are now included in this filter.
  • In Application view > Details section, line breaks in text fields are now displayed.
  • Licenses with a change of terms from a cost to $0 / free are now accounted for in planned spend calculations and charts.
  • Rolling licenses with multiple past versions can now be properly terminated. Clicking terminate will set today's date as date of termination, and planned spend is accounted for up to the last full calendar month.
  • In renewal email reminders, links to licenses with no name are now labelled 'App name - license', rather than displaying the full URL.

April 2022 (1)

Slack messages (beta)

A workflow can now send messages to people or public channels in Slack, and receive a response via a button clicked directly in Slack. This could be used to notify people of renewals and new apps, or get someone's approval before deprovisioning their user account.

To use this feature, (re)connect the Slack integration with the option 'Send messages' checked. Then in any workflow, add the 'Send Slack message' step.

  • People and channels: Message an individual person, people or public channels. Messages will appear to come from 'Trelica APP'.
  • Role-based recipients: Recipients can be role-based. For example, you could message an app's owner, an inactive end user, or a person's line manager.
  • Dynamic fields: Messages can contain dynamic fields for context about an app or a person.
  • Buttons: You can include up to two buttons to capture responses. The workflow can then proceed on the basis of the response, and the workflow run view displays the response.
  • Set-up free for recipient: To enable this feature for your organisation, you will need to be an administrator of Slack. Once set up, no further action is required from end users in order to receive messages.

Workflow status & troubleshooting

A workflow can sometimes require input, or error due to an unexpected situation. We've made enhancements to minimise this – but when it does happen, highlight it, explain what's happened, and give you options to address it:

  • Creating workflows that work: The workflow editor now has better validation to reduce the chance of creating a workflow that won't work. For example, you can't create a deprovisioning workflow for an app where that feature hasn't been enabled on the integration.
  • Workflow status: Tags indicate the number of workflow runs that are In progress, Need input or Failed. On the Workflow list, this is summarised for all workflows, and inline on each workflow individually. If all runs have completed successfully for a workflow, it shows as Completed.
  • Drilldown: Click any of the status tags to drilldown to a list of the corresponding individual workflow runs. This allows you to view a list of runs that need your attention.
  • What's gone wrong and what to do: For many of the common workflow errors, we've added a clear explanation and options to address it. On the workflow run view, this will be shown in a red box at the top of the step that has failed.
  • Troubleshooting deprovisioning: There are some common ways in which deprovisioning a user via a workflow doesn't work out. For each of these, we either handle it automatically (e.g. if the user has already been deprovisioned) or provide an appropriate action (e.g. update the integration, check if the user is protected).
  • Skip or Retry: Having fixed or understood a deprovisioning issue, you can now 'Retry', or 'Skip' to the next step in the workflow.

Other improvements

  • Current team members: The Teams page now displays only New and Active employees and contractors.
  • Teams from groups: Teams can be created and maintained by linking to Google Workspace Groups. Go to Settings > People > Teams source > select 'Manual...'. Then on the Teams list > 'Add team' > select group(s). The team name will default to the name of the group.
  • Biannual licenses: In addition to annual, quarterly, monthly and once, a license can now be billed biannually.
  • Contracts: The date on which a contract was a last updated is now available as a column and filter option in the Contracts list. To view details of what changed, open the contract page, click the context menu (next to the status) and select 'Audit log'.


  • Renewal email alerts are no longer being sent for deleted licenses for which the renewal date had been upcoming.
  • App users discovered from SAML (SSO) are no longer marked as having a paid license if there are other sources of user license data for the app. This improves data quality and fixes issues with filtering and counts of assigned licenses.
  • On the 'License not in use' workflow trigger, conditions involving zero are now accepted. For example, 'Zoom Pro meetings in last month = 0'.
  • On the Person view, integration sources now appear greyed out if the user has been deactivated or deleted in the source application.

March 2022 (2)

Brand refresh

We've updated the colours and fonts throughout the product as part of refresh of our brand. As well as bringing a distinctive and fresh look, the changes bring some functional benefits:

  • New semantic colours to indicate statuses (such as Good / OK / Bad used for integration and workflow health).
  • New range of default and available colours in charts.
  • Higher levels of contrast, improving readability and accessibility (WCAG AA standard).
  • Updates to hover and selected states - for example, clearer highlighting of a hovered or selected row in a table.


  • Task subscriber notifications: Task subscribers receive a new summary email when the task is marked as complete or closed.
  • Ask a colleague to connect an integration: If you don't have the permissions to connect an integration, you can ask a colleague who does. This will make them a Trelica user and assign them a task with a link to connect. (View any Integration > next to Connect, click '...' > 'Invite to connect'.)


  • For organisations using the 'Show in App Hub' setting, this field is now displayed on the app overview tab if 'Show in App Hub' is checked for that app. On the Applications inventory, this field can be filtered on, optionally displayed as a column, and exported.
  • When editing a workflow triggered on a schedule, the schedule is now displayed correctly after changes have been made.

March 2022 (1)

HR and IT user roles

Colleagues in other parts of your organisation may need access to Trelica to perform specific tasks, such as run workflows or manage the People directory. There are two new roles and some additional capabilities to facilitate this:

  • View and enable roles: From Settings > Users, you can see a summary of the available roles for users of Trelica. The new roles HR and IT roles can be enabled from here.
  • HR role: Can access and manage all people in the People directory.
  • IT role: Can access and manage assets, assigned apps and workflows.
  • No access to finance data: Neither the HR nor IT role have broad access to finance data; only for specific applications which the user owns or administrates.
  • Grant access to a workflow: App owners, IT and HR can be given access to a particular workflow. This allows HR or IT to be involved in the onboarding of an employee, for example. From Workflows > select a workflow > context menu > 'Set additional access'.

People improvements

  • Employee v External: A person is now set as an 'Employee' automatically if their primary email address is from one of your domains (see Settings > Users). If not, they are set as 'External'.
  • Person's apps and licenses: The list of a person's apps now shows more details about their user account for each: the license(s) and cost per year (if applicable), and status (invited / active / suspended). From the People list > view any person > 'Applications' tab).
  • Cost of a person: The total license cost per year for a person is now the sum of the individual licenses directly assigned to them. From the People list > view any person > 'Estimate cost'.

Other improvements

  • Bulk unmatch transactions: From the Transactions list > context menu (top right) > 'Multi-edit' > shows check boxes > 'Unmatch'.
  • Undo a spend rule: From the Rules list > context menu > 'Delete' > Check 'Unmatch all transactions for this rule'.
  • Trelica's own exchange rates are now used when an integration (e.g. Xero) sends exchange rate = 0 for a transaction.

February 2022

Physical assets (beta)

Track physical assets such as laptops and servers using the new Assets feature. To get started, enable the feature in Settings > Assets.

  • Asset list: The main list page show all assets, can be filtered (e.g. by type, status or assignee) and exported.
  • Asset details: Track item details including the vendor, cost, warranty and condition.
  • Assignee: An asset can be checked out and in. When checked out, set the person assigned to it and its location.
  • Activity log: Shows the full history as a timeline from point of purchase. It also highlights warranty expiration and there is the ability to add notes on the timeline.
  • Customisation: From the settings page, configure the types of assets, models, a standard list of locations (such as offices) and the format for any asset tag.
  • Audit log: All edits to an assets are tracked in an audit log.

Fixes & improvements

  • The preview of an assessment now shows the respondent name merge field populated with the respondent's name.
  • Merge fields added to assessment sub-sections are now recognized.
  • For a workflow which sends an email with a list of app users as an attachment, there is now no attachment if there are no relevant users.
  • Transaction matching rules now ignore trailing , and . characters.
  • On the Applications list, the 'Non-business' and 'Unidentified apps' views include the 'Access risk' column and exclude the 'Owner' column by default. To add or remove columns, open the context menu and select 'Choose columns'.
  • When searching for additional filter options in the 'More filters' drawer, the results will include matches on any part of the filter label.
  • An issue with the Browser Extension has been fixed. Now, if a user instructs the Browser Extension to ignore an app but later reinstates tracking for that app, the app data will be reported.

January 2022

Browser extension (beta)

The Trelica browser extension can be installed on Chrome and Edge to discover and track usage of business apps by end users.

To deploy, ask end users to download the extension (share this article) or deploy it automatically across your domain (e.g. see this article for Chrome).

  • Business app usage only: Once the user has added the extension and logged in, their time spent in any business app will be tracked.
  • User privacy and visibility: Everything tracked is visible to the end user in the extension. It will never track general websites or non-business related apps. The user can also choose to have particular apps ignored.
  • Discovery and usage: The data from every user is reported back to your organisation's Trelica account. Discovered apps and usage data are combined with other data sources in the application inventory.
  • Usage details: Relevant app users will show 'Trelica browser extension' in their sources (view any app > 'Users' tab), and the Activity log shows the last 10 individual access events.
  • High coverage: This is the most complete form of usage data available, as it is not dependent on log-in frequency or method. It is based only on time spent in an app.

Fixes & improvements

  • Savings based on list price: Potential savings on Licenses are now estimated from the list price for an app, if an actual price paid has not been entered. List prices are tracked by Trelica and taken from the vendor's website. Estimates are displayed in italics.
  • The calculation for the cost-per-year of a licence has been updated for special cases of: One-off payment, variable number of seats, and partial years.
  • Workflows: The 'Person condition' step now includes a 'Continue' path. This path is followed once the steps following the 'Then' or 'Else' paths have completed.

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