JumpCloud SCIM configuration

Enabling SCIM in Trelica

A pre-requisite for configuring SCIM in JumpCloud is enabling SCIM in Trelica.

Go to AdminSettings > Users and find the Single Sign-On (SSO) > SCIM section.

You will need the Base URL and Bearer token when configuring in JumpCloud.

You must click Enable SCIM for the token to become valid.

Configuring a JumpCloud app

If you do not have an existing Trelica application (e.g. configured for SAML2 SSO) then go to SSO Applications and click Add new Application.

Click Select under Custom Application:

Once you have done this, or if you already have a Trelica application in JumpCloud go to the Identity Management tab.

  1. Choose SCIM API.
  2. Trelica supports the SCIM 2.0 standard.
  3. Paste in the Base URL from Trelica.
    JumpCloud does not work if there is a trailing / (forward-slash) character. Please ensure this is deleted.
  4. Paste in the Bearer token from Trelica.
  5. Enter a dummy user email address - this will be used by JumpCloud to test provisioning.
    This must be from a domain that is registered in Trelica as valid for user requests. Check this in Trelica by going to Admin > Settings > Organization. Under Your organization click through on the Domains section. The domain should have a tick in the User requests column.

Testing the connection

Click Test Connection.

JumpCloud will try to read a list of users from Trelica.

If this fails, then recheck the Base URL (ensure there is no terminating / character) and recheck the Token.

If you still encounter problems, JumpCloud doesn't report specific errors, but Trelica support can enable additional logging to help diagnose issues.

If the test is successful you will be shown a new Group Management section.

You must disable Group Management.

Click Activate to finalize the settings

This will create a test user with the email you specified, test updating them, and the delete them.

You should be shown a success message.

Now click Save to close the app settings.

What Trelica role will be assigned to users?

JumpCloud does not support more advanced SCIM configuration. Users will be created with the default Trelica role. This is visible under Admin > Settings > Users, in the Default role section:

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