JumpCloud SAML setup

Enable your JumpCloud users to access Trelica with Single-Sign-On (SSO).

Add Trelica to JumpCloud

  1. Log in to JumpCloud and go to the SSO Applications menu.

  2. Type Trelica into the search and click Create a Custom Integration.

  3. Click Next.

  4. Choose Manage Single Sign-On (SSO) and click Configure SSO with SAML:

  5. Click Next.

  6. Enter Trelica as the Display Label and a Description. If your users are primarily using the Trelica App Hub, then "SaaS application catalog" might be a good description.

  7. Upload a Trelica logo.

  8. Click Save Application.

Configure Trelica in JumpCloud

  1. You will be shown a confirmation screen. Now click Configure Application.

  2. Click Copy Metadata URL

  3. In a separate tab, login to Trelica and navigate to Admin > Settings > Users > Single Sign-On (SSO).

  4. Click the New button under SAML providers.

  5. Enter a Name (JumpCloud) and choose Metadata from URL.

  6. Paste in the Metadata URL you took from JumpCloud:

  7. Click Create.

  8. You will need to paste the SAML Entity ID and SAML Assertion Consumer Service (ACS) URL into JumpCloud and these can be found on the page that you are on in Trelica:

  9. Paste the SAML Entity ID from Trelica into the IdP Entity ID and SP Entitiy ID fields in JumpCloud.

  10. Ensure that the SAMLSubject NameID is set to email, and the correct SAMLSubject NameID Format is selected from the dropdown (urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress).

  11. Check the Sign Assertion box.

  12. You can change the IdP URL if you want, but we recommend keeping it as trelica.

  13. Add new User Attributes:

    Service Provider Attribute Name JumpCloud Attribute Name
    given_name firstname
    family_name lastname

  14. When you are done click Save.

Test the connection

You can assign the Trelica application to either an individual test user, or to a group in JumpCloud. We recommend assigning to an individual user for testing, and to a group once you are happy that everything is working.

  1. Log out of Trelica.

  2. Log in to JumpCloud as a test user: make sure you are logging in to the User console using a User login, not an Administrator login.

  3. You should see the new Trelica application in the User portal:

  4. Click the Trelica icon and after a short pause you should be logged in to Trelica.

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