Introduction to Trelica

Trelica is a SaaS management platform that your IT department uses to optimize spend and facilitate access to the apps you use for work.

What is SaaS?

SaaS is short for Software as a Service. Typically SaaS products (also known as apps) are accessed over the internet via your web browser (such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Edge). 

In the past, most software was downloaded and run directly on your computer or on servers that you accessed over your organization's network. Nowadays, most software is SaaS: it is run remotely “in the cloud” and managed by the software publishers themselves.

SaaS covers apps for both business and personal use - from customer support platforms such as Zendesk and online collaboration tools like Miro, to email clients, food delivery apps and online games.

What is a SaaS Management platform?

SaaS presents particular challenges for organizations, such as visibility of the apps in use, cost management, and data privacy - which SaaS Management tools seek to address.

As a SaaS Management platform, Trelica provides tools that your IT department uses to monitor and manage the apps used within your organization.This may include ensuring new starters have access to the apps they need, freeing up licenses that are no longer being used, and ensuring access to apps is removed when people leave your organization. 

What can I do with Trelica?

If you have access to the App Hub, you can use Trelica to browse the apps that have been approved for use in your organization and request access to them. For more information, see Trelica App Hub.

If your organization is using the Browser Extension to monitor use of business apps, you can view the data that is collected and exclude particular apps. For more information, see Trelica Browser Extension.

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