Dynamics 365 Business Central

There are three main steps to configuring the connection - you may need help from an IT admin to complete the first step.

  1. Create credentials in Azure (an 'app')
  2. Configure Business Central to accept a connection from Trelica
  3. Connect Trelica to Business Central

What data does Trelica pull?

By default Trelica will pull Purchase invoice data from Business Central. Line items that do not match the account codes specified will be discarded.

Alternatively, when you connect you may chose to take data from the General Ledger instead. This has the benefit that you can configure Security Filters in Business central. Security Filters don't work with Purchase invoice data as Business Central's API does not support filtering to Purchase invoice line items.

Create a new app in Azure

This also involves multiple steps:

  1. Register the basic app details
  2. Assign API permissions
  3. Create credentials

Register the app

  1. Log in to Azure and find App registrations:mceclip0.png
  2. Click New registration.
  3. Enter a name (e.g. Business Central).
  4. Choose Accounts in this organizational directory only (Single tenant).mceclip1.png
  5. Enter a Redirect URI:
    • Choose Web
    • Enter https://businesscentral.dynamics.com/OAuthLanding.htm
  6. Click Register.

Configure API permissions

  1. On the API permissions tab, click Add a permissionmceclip3.png
  2. Under the Microsoft APIs tab choose Dynamics 365 Business Centralmceclip4.png
  3. Choose Application permissions and then under API tick API.ReadWrite.Allmceclip6.png
  4. Click Add permissions.
  5. Finally, click Grant admin consent:<>mceclip0.png </>

Create a new secret

  1. Go to Certificates & secrets
  2. Click New client secret
  3. Give the secret a name (e.g. Trelica) and chose the Expiry duration that you are comfortable with (we recommend 12 or 24 months).
  4. Click Add



Collect the IDs from Azure

You need three IDs which you can copy from Azure:

  1. From the Certificates & secrets tab copy the Client Secret Value (not the Secret ID)mceclip0.png

    The Client secret value will only be available for you to copy for a short period of time. If you are unable to view or copy it, then just create new one.

  2. From the Overview tab copy the Application (client ID) and the Directory (tenant) IDmceclip2.png


Configure Business Central

  1. Search for Entra and click Microsoft Entra Applications:
    BusinessCentral app creation.png
  2. Click New:
    BusinessCentral app creation2.png
  3. Paste the Application (client ID) from Azure AD into the Client ID field:
    BusinessCentral app creation3.png
  4. Enter Trelica as the Description and then set the State to Enabled
  5. Ensure that the D365 BASIC ISV user group is assigned:mceclip4.png
  6. Click Grant Consent:mceclip5.png
  7. A popup will appear (you may need to allow popups in your browser). Click Accept:mceclip6.png
  8. In the main Dynamics browser window, you will see a message confirming that consent was given:mceclip8.png

Connect Trelica to Business Central

  1. Identify the name of your Business Central environment. Login to Business Central and go to Admin Center under the Settings cog.
  2. In the Admin Center you will see a list of environments. You will need to copy the name of the environment that you want to connect to Trelica. 
    The underlining on the links makes underscore (_) characters look like spaces. Click through on the link to see the name without any links to be sure you are entering the right name.
  3. In Trelica, go to Admin > Integrations > Business Central
  4. Click Connect and enter the Environment name and the IDs that you collected earlier:
  5. Click Connect again.
  6. Select the expense categories you want to import from, and click Import:mceclip10.png 

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