Recover or downgrade individual app licenses


As well as configuring optimization workflows to deprovision inactive app users automatically, you can also use Trelica to modify or recover app user licenses on an ad hoc basis. This is useful if you have not set up an optimization workflow for an app but have identified unused licenses that should be recovered.

For apps with a suitable integration, you can deprovision users from the App Users page either individually or in bulk. Trelica then applies these changes to the relevant app automatically. 

To deprovision an app user with Trelica:

  1. From the Apps inventory, open the relevant app.

  2. Open the Users tab. The app users are listed.

  3. Click the context menu on a user row, or use the checkboxes to select multiple users.


    Deprovisioning options in the app user context menu.

  4. The deprovisioning options available for the app are listed. This may include editing the user's license and suspending, deactivating or deleting the user from the app. Select the relevant option and add further details as required.

  5. When you're ready, click the button to confirm that you want to change the user's license or suspend, deactivate or delete the user(s) from the app.

    The "Deactivate user" dialog.

If the app user has been protected from deprovisioning, a warning is also displayed. For more information, see Protect app users from automatic deprovisioning

For apps that do not have a suitable integration, you can update the app user's details manually from the app's Users tab or by importing the data via a spreadsheet. This allows you to maintain an accurate record of app users. For more information, see Import and update app user data manually

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