Perimeter 81

Log in to Perimeter 81 as an administrator.

Go to Web Management Console -> Settings -> API Support

Click on (+) Generate New Key.

In the Generate New API Key dialog box, enter Trelica as the Key Name.

In the Expiration Date dropdown select the validity period of the API Key. We recommend 1 year.

In the Key Permissions dropdown, select the required permissions:


View list of users

View list of groups


Add new member

Assign members to groups

Remove members from groups


Delete member

Assign members to groups

Remove members from groups

Provisioning is only relevant when manually inviting users in Perimeter 81 - if you are synching from an identity provider then you should continue to use this approach.

Click on Generate to create the desired API Key. Once the API Key is generated it will be copied to the clipboard automatically and you can paste it into Trelica.

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