Client credentials flow


The Client Credentials Flow is the simplest authentication scheme to implement:

  1. Request an Access Token from Trelica.
  2. Make API calls passing the Access Token you received.


You must pass the Client ID and Client Secret in the Authorization header using the standard HTTP Basic Authentication Scheme.

Request an access token


Requests an access token for use with future API requests.

Authorization * string

As per the HTTP Basic Authentication Scheme, i.e.

Client ID and Client Secret concatenated with a colon, Base64 encoded, and prepended with the string "Basic ".

scope string

The OAuth scopes for the data you want to access. The string is case-sensitive. Multiple scopes must be separated by a space character. If no value is passed then all scopes defined for the app will be requested.

grant_type * string



  • HTTP 200

    JSON containing the access token and associated information

        "access_token": "<TOKEN>",
        "expires_in": 3600,
        "token_type": "Bearer",
        "scope": "Users.Read"
  • HTTP 400

    invalid_client indicates that the Client ID or Client Secret were passed incorrectly (either incorrect values, or not according to the HTTP Basic Authentication scheme). invalid_scope indicates that the scope requested was incorrect, or does not belong to the list of scopes enabled for the Trelica app associated with the credentials passed.

        "error": "<ERROR_CODE>"


Requesting the access token using curl

curl \
 --data "grant_type=client_credentials&scope=Users.Read"
  • 200

        "access_token": "<TOKEN>",
        "expires_in": 3600,
        "token_type": "Bearer",
        "scope": "Users.Read"
  • 400

        "error": "<ERROR_CODE>"
    Error Code Description
    invalid_client The Client ID and/or Client Secret are incorrect
    invalid_scope The scope requested was invalid

Making an API call with the access token you received

You can now make API calls, passing the access token you received as part of an Authorization header.

curl \
 --header "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"

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