
How does Trelica work with Slack?

Trelica helps IT teams keep on top of what SaaS software has been bought, how much money is being spent on it, how well it's being used and whether everything is compliant from a security and privacy point of view.

Trelica can connect directly to different SaaS tools (like Slack) to extract up-to-date information about which of your users are using Slack, and how regularly they are logging in. This will help you improve engagement, deprovision unused seats, and prepare for your license renewal.

To integrate with Trelica you will need a Trelica account. If you don't have one then please contact us through our website to get set-up.

Getting started

If you received an email asking you to set up the integration, then just click on the link, otherwise log in to Trelica and go to Admin > Integrations to get started.

You must be an administrator of your Slack site in order to connect with Trelica.

As an administrator, you may have received an invitation from someone in your IT team asking you to connect Slack to Trelica.

In the Search... box, just type in Slack:

Then click on the Slack logo to get started.

Connecting to Slack

Click the Connect button at the top-right:

You will then be asked to log in to Slack and shown a message explaining that Trelica wants to connect to your organization's Slack site.

If Slack is showing the wrong workspace, then use the picker at the top-right to change to log in to a different Slack workspace.

Click Allow and you will be taken back to Trelica.

After a short pause, Trelica will start to synchronize with Slack and you'll see a green tick when everything is done.

Although this shouldn't take long, you don't have to wait for this to happen - once you're back in Trelica feel free to go off and do other things.

If you click on the View application button then you can go through to the Slack profile page and see more information:

At this point you may wish to review the user list or fill in more information about the number of seats you have, when you renew your Slack license.

If you're on the Slack Pro plan then you cannot use the Slack API to create user accounts.

To help with onboarding you can create a link in Slack that you can send to new starters to help them configure a new Slack account.

Go to Manage members:

Click Invite People:

In the dialog that appears, click Edit link settings:

Choose Never expires from the dropdown and then Save:

Now click Copy invite link to put the link onto your clipboard.

Enteprise Grid

Trelica is compatible with Slack Enterprise Grid accounts. When connecting Slack to Trelica please ensure the Enterprise Grid (multiple workspaces) checkbox is selected:

Selecting a workspace

When you send messages from a Trelica workflow to a public channel then you need to select the Enterprise Grid workspace first.

If you can't see all your workspaces when sending a message then you may need to manually add the Trelica app to them.

Add Trelica app to workspaces

When connecting Trelica to a Slack Enterprise Grid, the Trelica app is installed for your Slack organization. In order to view user activity for and send messages to workspaces within your organization you may need to manually add the Trelica app to each workspace.

To manually add the Trelica app to one or more workspaces, go to your organization home page (e.g. and click Manage Organization.

To manage a Slack Organization you must have the Slack Primary Org Owner role.

Then choose Integrations > Installed apps, find Trelica in the list of installed apps, click on the '...' icon and choose Add to more workspaces:

Slack will then show you a list of workspaces where the Trelica app is not currently installed. Check the workspaces you want to use, and consider checking the Default for future workspaces checkbox.

Click Next to continue.

You will then be taken through a series of screens to confirm the permissions Trelica requires. Confirm these by clicking Next again, and then finally I'm ready to add this app:

Now click Add App.

Sending messages

Learn more about sending messages, in particular sending to private channels. 


Why is the Trelica Slack app not Slack approved?

Slack has had a policy of not accepting marketplace app submissions which request 'admin' scopes which are required for a number of Slack actions (in particular for Enterprise Grid but not exclusively so).


The scopes requested are the minimum necessary for the service to function. My app does not circumvent Slack’s administrative or privacy controls and does not request extensive access to workspace data/other sensitive information (e.g. via read, post, client, search:read, admin.*, search:read, user token *:history, triggers:* scopes).

The Slack submission process does not involve any kind of security review beyond checking that you have described why you're requesting the scopes you request and there is a QA test installing the app to check it broadly works.

For all of our OAuth integrations we describe the scopes needed and how they are used to be as transparent and clear with customers as possible.


If you have any problems either connecting with Slack or using Trelica please contact our support team. Just drop us an email at to start the conversation.

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