Cisco Meraki

When you try to connect Cisco Meraki to Trelica you will be asked for a Cisco Meraki API key. This article shows you how to create a Cisco Meraki API key.

Log in to your Meraki dashboard.

Creating a read-only user

API key access is granted per user. We recommend creating a dedicated account with read-only access. 

Don't forget to click Save changes:

Now login to this account to create an API key for it.

Creating an API key

API keys can take several minutes to propagate through Meraki infrastructure. You may receive a message saying the API key is invalid if you try to use it too soon.

Click on Organization and under Configure choose API & Webhooks:

Click API keys and access and choose Generate API Key:

You will now be shown the new API key. This will never be shown again, so please copy this to your clipboard or a text editor, and then click I've stored my API key in order to click Done

When you connect to Cisco Meraki in Trelica, paste the API key into the dialog and click Connect again:


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