Import spend data manually

Import spend transactions from a .csv file or Excel spreadsheet.

Integrating your finance or accounting system with Trelica provides you with the most accurate picture of how much your organization is spending on software and enables Trelica to report on expenditure over time and by app category, compare payments to expected license fees, and identify savings opportunities. If an integration is not possible, you can achieve the same benefits by importing spend data manually.

Manual import should only be used for data that is not supplied by an integration.

Import transactions from a spreadsheet

You can import spend transaction data from a .csv file or Excel spreadsheet. This is useful for importing credit card expenditure or data from a financial system that cannot integrate with Trelica.

Each transaction should be listed on a separate row and must include a date, description and amount. To be able to update imported transactions in future, include a unique identifier for each transaction.

To import spend transactions:

  1. From the Spend dashboard, expand the context menu and select Import spreadsheet. The Spend import wizard is displayed.

  2. Select the file containing the data that you want to import and then click Next.

  3. The Mapping step is displayed. Trelica attempts to map the fields in the file to fields in Trelica. To add or change mappings, click the drop-down boxes and select from the lists. Data from any fields that are not mapped is not imported.

    • Date - The date on which the transaction took place.
    • Description - The name of the app or item being procured. The description is used to suggest automatic matches to existing apps via spend rules.
    • Amount - The amount spent. If the data to be imported contains amounts in a currency other than your base currency, select Multiple currencies in file. Map the column containing the amount to the Amount field and map the column containing the currency code to the Currency field. If the data includes a conversion to your base currency, you can also map that column to the Amount (XXX) field (where XXX is the three-letter code denoting your base currency).
    • Period covered - The start and end dates of the period to which the transaction applies (as two separate columns). This is useful if you want to apportion the value of a transaction across more months than the month in which the transaction took place.
    • Reference number - An internal reference, such as an invoice number. This value does not need to be unique.
    • Transaction ID - A unique identifier for the transaction. Include a unique transaction ID if you want to be able to update transactions via another import in future.
    • Notes - Any additional notes relating to the transaction.
    • Cost center - The department or other entity to whose budget the spend is attributed. This information is used in spend reports.
  4. Once you have finished mapping the fields, click Import. The progress of the import and the changes that are made as a result of the import are displayed.

    Mapping columns to fields in Trelica.

  5. Once the import is complete, click Review. The transaction mapping page is displayed, filtered to the data that has been imported.

  6. Review the suggested matches and add mappings as required. For more information, see Review spend transactions.

Why is Trelica saying that it has skipped some transactions?

Trelica will skip transactions with zero value, or if the description is empty, or consists of just numbers.

To view the details of previous imports, expand the context menu (on either the Spend or Transactions view) and select View import history.

The spend import history view.

If you need to remove data from an import, click the context menu and select either Revert (if you want to keep a record of the import in the system) or Delete (to remove the record completely).

🧙🏿‍♂️ Reverting an import does not remove any transactions that have been updated by a subsequent import (using the same transaction ID).

Update transactions from a spreadsheet

If you have previously imported spend transaction data from a .csv file or Excel spreadsheet, you can update that data with another import, as long as the transactions have the same unique identifiers. This is useful if you're exporting data from another system and there is some overlap with the last export or if you need to make corrections to imported data.

To update existing transactions, import a new version of the file and map the fields as described above. The number of existing transactions that have been updated is listed on the results step.

Once you have imported the updated data, you will need to review and match the imported transactions as normal. Previous matches are lost when the transaction data is updated, but any existing matching rules are preserved and used to suggest matches. For more information, see Review spend transactions.

🧙🏿‍♂️ If you did not include transaction IDs in a previous import and you need to make changes to the transaction data, revert the previous import before importing the updated data. This will remove the previous transactions so that you can start afresh.


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