Workspace ONE UEM

Creating an OAuth Client

Log in as an administrator and go to Groups & Settings > Configurations:

Search for OAuth and click on OAuth Client Management:

Click again on OAuth Client Management:

Click Add:

Enter relevant details. The name and description are just for your reference. Make sure you select the correct Organization Group and ensure that the Role is set to Console Administrator:

Rather than using Console Administrator we suggest you look at the 'Create a Role That Can Use REST APIs' section and create a custom role with limited access to REST resources.
Category API Name Access Level Reason
REST Admins REST API System Admin Read Only Required to read users
REST Admins REST API System Users Read Only Required to read users
REST Devices REST API Devices Read Read Only Required to read devices
REST Devices REST API MDM Profiles Edit Required to lock devices
REST Devices REST API MDM Devices Edit Required to lock devices

Click Save and then take a copy of the Client ID and Client Secret as you will need to enter these into Trelica:

Click Close to close the window once you have taken copies of these values.

Connecting Trelica to Workspace ONE UEM

When you connect Trelica you will need to enter the OAuth Client ID and Secret created in the previous section.

Additionally you will need to select the Authentication Server. This will depend on where your Workspace ONE UEM instance is hosted and is described in the VMWare documentation.

Server Data Center Location All UAT environments US and Canada UK and Germany India, Japan, Singapore, Australia, Hong Kong

Finally, you will need to enter the URL of your instance. This can be taken from the browser address bar, but replacing "cn" with "as".

For the example below, the correct URL will be

The instance URL is also shown in Groups & Settings > All Settings > System > Advanced > API > REST API > REST API URL.

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