HR integrations

Trelica integrates directly with various popular HR tools such as BambooHR, Personio, bob.

Some HR tools (like Workday, UKG, and SAP) allow you to create custom reports and publish these via an API endpoint. This is often preferable as you are then in complete control over what data is exposed to Trelica.

If you are creating such a report, these are the fields that it should include:

Name Status Detail
First name Mandatory Some systems also offer 'preferred name' - ideally this is the name that will be used in email addresses.
Last name Mandatory  
Work email Mandatory (generally) May be empty for new joiners.
Home email Optional This is only required for onboarding workflows where you may need to send initial account details for a work email address to another address.
Employee ID Mandatory Unique ID for the employee
Job title Optional  
Department Preferred Used to assign someone to the team hierarchy in Trelica.
Start date Preferred First day of work.
Leaving date Preferred Last day of actual work (where possible)
Line manager Preferred Email address or Employee ID
Status Optional Full-time employee, Contractor, Intern etc
Date created Optional Date the person was created in the HR system.
Timezone Optional Ideally in TZ database format (e.g. Europe/Zurich)

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