
An explanation of each app view and how to act on it.

Views are pre-set filters on the Applications inventory. They show a list of apps that meet the filter criteria.

Use views to focus on specific tasks or answer questions about your app inventory. You can also save custom views to apply the filters and columns you use regularly.

To open a view, use the dropdown at the top of the Applications inventory, or click More filters and select from the list at the top of the filter drawer. 

You can access these app inventory views together with views and reports on spend, people, assets and tasks from the Reports list. Any custom views that you have saved are also listed. Star a view or report to pin it to the top of the list.

Business apps

  • Description: Apps with a business or mixed audience.
  • Action:  Assign an app owner (and other app roles as required) for business apps that are actively managed.

Managed apps

  • Description: Apps with a status of "Managed".
  • Action: Assign an app owner to all managed apps. App owners can view app details and can be included in app-related workflows. For more information, see Managed apps.

All apps

  • Description: All apps other than those with status "Ignored" or "Closed".
  • Action: N/A

New business apps

  • Description: Business apps with status "New".
  • Action: Change the app status to identify business apps that are actively managed versus those that need further review, are accepted but don't need active management, or which should be closed.

Unidentified apps

  • Description: Apps which Trelica could not identify.
  • Action: Either enter details of the app, revoke the app's access and delete, or set status to "Ignored". For more information, see Unidentified apps.

Role assignee left

  • Description: Apps for which an owner or other role has been assigned but that person has subsequently left your organization. 
  • Action: Assign a new app owner (and/or other roles as appropriate). 


  • Description: Apps which have the home audience type, but not business.
  • Action: Depending on your policy, you may wish to block these applications, or investigate those marked High-risk.

Access management

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