Google Forms can be used to initiate workflows in Trelica by scripting a webhook. In this example we'll look at how you can initiate a workflow to onboard new employees; useful in cases where you're not able to connect your HR system.
Creating the Trelica workflow
In Trelica under Admin > Workflows, create an API webhook workflow trigger.
Ensure that Verify request is ticked.
Choose Secret for the verification method, and enter a header name, e.g. x-secret
Trelica can generate a secure secret for you - just click Generate, copy the value to the clipboard and choose Use Secret.
Click Save Draft on the workflow.
You will also need to provide Google Forms with the Trelica webhook URL.
We're going to do a test first, so click Test Webhook in Trelica and this dialog will show you the test URL that you'll need for Google Forms shortly. Leave this dialogue open ready for testing:
Configuring the Google Form script
Navigate to the edit view of the Google From you want to use to initiate the Trelica workflow.
Click on the context menu in the and select Script editor:
Copy the following script into the editor, remembering to add the Trelica URL and secret that you generated in the steps above:
function onSubmit(e) { var response; // Check if the event object contains the form response if (e && e.response) { response = e.response.getItemResponses(); } else { // Fallback: get the latest form response manually var form = FormApp.getActiveForm(); var allResponses = form.getResponses(); if (allResponses.length === 0) { Logger.log("No responses yet."); return; // Exit if there are no responses } var latestResponse = allResponses[allResponses.length - 1]; response = latestResponse.getItemResponses(); } var payload = {}; for (var i = 0; i < response.length; i++) { var item = response[i].getItem(); var fieldTitle = item.getTitle() .toLowerCase() .replace(/\s+/g, '_') .replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/g, ''); var answer = response[i].getResponse(); payload[fieldTitle] = answer; } var options = { "method": "post", "contentType": "application/json", "payload": JSON.stringify({"content": payload}), "headers": { "x-secret": secret_key }, "muteHttpExceptions": true }; // Log the payload for debugging Logger.log("Payload being sent: " + JSON.stringify(payload)); try { // Perform the fetch with the options var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(POST_URL, options); // Check if the response has the getContentText method if (typeof response.getContentText === 'function') { Logger.log(response.getContentText()); } else { Logger.log("Invalid response structure: " + JSON.stringify(response)); } } catch (error) { Logger.log("Error occurred: " + error); } }
Click Save.
Testing the script
In order to test the webhook make sure that an instance of your form has been submitted.
Then click Run on the Google Script editor (see image above).
If the run is successful the Trelica UI will display the response data:
Adding field inputs and mapping
Once you have validated that the response is being received you can add input fields to your workflow to which you can map the JSON attributes:
When creating input fields remember to provide:
- Field name (we suggest adding text that will make it clear the field is an input from a form a form; this will make it easier to pick the correct fields when adding them to workflow steps later as merge values, e.g.
First name (input)
. - The data type.
- Under Advanced options add the JSON path, as defined in the first test you ran.
Once you have configured all the field inputs your require, click Save draft on the workflow, select Test workflow, then return to your Google Forms script and click Run again (no need to submit another instance of the form).
This time the response message in the Trelica workflow should include details of field values it would successfully map from the response data received:
Go live
In Trelica configure the rest of your workflow, adding the steps you require (e.g. Create Person, Provision User, etc.).
Then copy the live workflow URL and paste it into your script in place of the test URL used previously (note the workflow can not be triggered until the workflow is enabled using the live URL):
In Google Form script editor click on the Triggers menu icon, and select Add Trigger:
Configure your trigger:
- Select the name of the function you created (if you haven't changed it in the sample script it will be onSubmit).
- Choose the appropriate deployment (Head by default).
- Set the event source to From form.
- Set the event type to On form submit.
- Choose the frequency at which you would like to be notified of script errors.
Click Save.
Finally, in Trelica, enable your workflow.
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