Notion Database for Employee or Asset data

The Trelica integration willl let you return asset or employee from a Notion Database. Data is imported based on column name mappings identical to those described in the Google Sheets connector:

Creating an integration in Notion

Go to (also accessible Settings > My connections > Develop or manage integrations).

Click New integration.

Enter an integration name, select a workspace and set the Type to Internal:

You can download a Trelica logo here.

Click Save.

Click Configure integration settings.

  1. Under Content Capabilities select Read content
  2. Under User Capabilities select Read user information including email addresses
  3. Click Show for the Internal Integration Secret. Copy this as you will need to enter it into Trelica.

Sharing your data with the integration

Go to the page containing your database and choose View database:

Click on the three dots at the top-right and choose Connect to

Select your new integration from the list and click Confirm

Finding the database ID

Finally to get your database ID, look at the URL of the page you are on - the ID is the text before the ? character.

Connecting from Trelica

Log in to Trelica as an administrator and find the Notion Database integration under Admin > Integrations. Note that this is separate to the main Notion integration which helps you manage users of Notion.

Now paste in the Integration secret and Database ID you generated or found in the earlier steps.

Choose whether this data represents People or Assets in your organization and click Connect.

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