UKG Ready

Before you start you should find your UKG Ready company ID.

Create an OAuth application.

  1. Go to Settings > Global Setup > Company Setup.
  2. Find the OAuth Applications widget.
  3. Choose the Machine to Machine type, and generate a Client ID and Client Secret.

What data does the integration access?

The Trelica integration accesses the Employee endpoints. The following attributes are used or stored by Trelica:

  • User name
  • First name, Last name
  • Start date
  • Terminated date
  • Status
  • Employee ID
  • Primary email
  • Line Manager (where mulitple managers exist, only the first is used)
  • Timezone


Trelica calls the Employee APIs which use a separate security profile item to control access rights. This is located in the company security profile in the following location:

Modules > REST API Resources > Employees > View Modules > REST API Resources > Employees > Custom View

Only the 'REST API RESOURCES' security profile items in combination with 'manager permissions' are considered by the Employee API.

For profiles where custom view is enabled, View permission can be customised for individual fields in the following location:

HR > Account/Personal Information (Employee Access) > View/Edit(Custom) > Permissions

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