
To connect SentinelOne you must provide your URL and an API token.

Your SentinelOne URL is typically something like

To create an API token:

  1. In the SentinelOne management console, go to Settings, and then click Roles.
  2. Create a new role for Trelica with the following permissions:
    • Accounts / View
    • Endpoints / View
    • Console users / View
    • Groups / View
    • Roles / View
    • Sites / View
  3. Click on Service users.
  4. Choose Create New Service User from the Actions drop down menu.

  5. Add a Name and optional Description.

  6. Set the Expiration date - this cannot be changed once the token is created.

  7. Under Access Level, select Account.

  8. Identify and select the account and the role created in the step above.

  9. Click Create User.

  10. Click Copy API Token to copy the token associated with the service user, then click Close.

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