Update and deploy assets

Once you have populated your Asset register with details of your existing assets, you can use Trelica to record additional details, enter the expected lifespan, and keep track of where and to whom each asset is deployed.

Based on this information, you can use automated workflows to:

  • Manage reconditioning or replacement of assets.
  • Ensure that hardware is recovered when individuals leave your organization. 

Update asset details

After you have added or imported an asset, you can record additional details, such as the asset serial number, supplier, purchase date and price, and populate any custom fields that you have created. You can also edit the asset model, tag and description. 

From the Asset register, select the relevant asset to view the asset details page and then edit the details as required.

Update asset details.png

Alternatively, you can import asset details, including purchase date and warranty expiration, from a supplier's system (such as Dell TechDirect) automatically. To import these details, ensure asset tags or serial numbers are recorded accurately in Trelica. 

If you have connected Trelica to an endpoint management system, such as Microsoft Intune, you cannot edit any of the asset details that are supplied by the integration, with the exception of:
  • the asset model, if a custom asset model was created or selected, and
  • the asset tag, if it was applied automatically by Trelica rather than being provided by the source system.

Set the asset lifespan

Recording the expected lifespan of each asset can help you to manage your equipment stock.

Edit asset lifespan.png

To identify assets that are approaching the end of their expected lifespan, filter the Asset register by "expected lifespan expiration". You can also trigger an automated workflow based on assets' expected expiry dates. 

Deploy assets and update asset status

Each asset in Trelica has an associated status. You can use the status to track the lifecycle of an asset, including when it is deployed for use and to whom, and when it is in repair or retired.

Assets can be in one of the following states:

  • New - The default state for assets added to Trelica.
  • Ready - The asset is ready for use.
  • Deployed - The asset is in use and assigned to an individual.
  • In repair - The asset is out of service and needs to be repaired prior to re-deployment.
  • Retired - The asset is no longer in use.

When you set the status of an asset, you can also specify a location and (depending on the type of asset) assign it to a person in your organization.

Asset status.png

When you change an asset's status to "Retired", the retirement date is set to the current date. To change the retirement date, click Edit lifespan.

You can filter the Asset register by status. This is useful for identifying assets that are available for deployment or which are being repaired, for example.

Configure workflows to service or replace assets

You can create automated workflows to manage reconditioning or replacement of assets at the end of their lifespan.

For example, you could set up a workflow with the following steps:

  1. Use the Asset meets criteria trigger and apply a filter to identify assets with an expected lifespan expiration in the next 30 days. If required, you can also filter by particular asset types or models. 
  2. Send a Slack message, Microsoft Teams message or email to the asset assignee to inform them that the asset is due to be replaced and to check their requirements before organizing the repair or ordering a replacement. Use merge fields to include details about the current asset.
  3. Based on their response, create a task to organize the repair or order the replacement.
  4. Once the task is marked as complete, send another message to ask the asset assignee to return their asset, or create a task to retrieve the asset.
  5. Based on the outcome of the previous step, set the asset status to "In repair" or "Retired".
  6. If you have connected Trelica to a device management system, remove the device from that system.

For more information about creating workflows, see Automate activities with workflows

Recover assets when employees leave your organization

The Asset register's "Terminated assignees" view displays all assets currently assigned to people that have left or are soon due to leave your organization. Once you have recovered an asset, update the status to "Ready", "In repair" or "Retired" as appropriate and remove the assignee. 

Terminated asset assignees.png

If you have configured an automated offboarding workflow to revoke employees' access to apps when they leave your organization, you can include steps to help you recover any assets currently assigned to the terminated individual. 

For example, you could set up an offboarding workflow with the following steps:

  1. Use the Person leaves trigger to initiate the offboarding process based on employees' termination dates.
  2. Send a Slack message, Microsoft Teams message or email to the line manager to confirm that the individual should be offboarded. 
  3. Add the Filter assets step and select Assets assigned to this person to identify the assets currently assigned to the terminated employee. 
  4. Send an email, Slack message or Microsoft Teams message to the terminated employee's line manager and include the Assigned assets merge field to provide them with a list of the assets that should be returned. Embed buttons in the message so that the line manager can notify you when the assets have been returned. 
  5. Configure other offboarding steps as normal. For more information about configuring offboarding workflows, see Automate employee offboarding

If you are using a device management system, such as Jamf Pro or Kandji, you can also use a workflow to lock a user out of their laptop of desktop computer. 

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