Add or import assets

If your organization is using a device or endpoint management system, you may be able to connect it to Trelica and populate your Asset register automatically. You can also import asset details from a spreadsheet or add assets manually. 

Once you have added your assets, you can record additional details about them, set a lifespan, and record when they are deployed to individuals in your organization or otherwise change status.

You must be an admin or IT user to create and update assets.

Define the asset tag format

Each asset that you add to Trelica must have an asset tag. This is usually the unique identifier that your organization uses to keep track of all your assets (as opposed to the serial number, which is set by the manufacturer). You can use the asset tag to search for a particular asset in Trelica.

If you are importing asset details via an integration with an external system or from a spreadsheet and a tag is not defined for each asset in the source data, Trelica will assign tags automatically. Equally, when you add assets manually, the tag is set automatically. 

You can define the format for asset tags in Trelica to match your existing system.  We recommend defining the asset tag format and starting number before connecting to an external system or importing or adding assets manually.

To define the asset tag format:

  1. Select Admin > Settings > Assets and click Asset tag to expand the section.
  2. If required, enter a prefix for your asset tags; the prefix can contain letters, numbers and special characters and is the same for every asset.
  3. If required, set the starting number. When you create a new asset, the asset tag will default to the next number in the sequence.
  4. From the Length dropdown list, select the number of digits in the unique portion of the asset tag (i.e. excluding the prefix).
  5. An example of the tag format is displayed below for confirmation. When you're ready, click Save to apply the asset tag format to newly imported or added assets. Changing the default asset tag format does not affect existing assets.

Asset tag format.png

Connect Trelica to an asset data source

Trelica supports integrations with Microsoft Intune, Jamf Pro, Kandji and other widely used endpoint management systems. You can connect Trelica to a supported system from the Integrations page. For more information, refer to the integration-specific help

If the source system provides asset details that do not map to the default asset fields, Trelica will create custom asset fields to store this information. 

If required, you can connect to multiple endpoint management systems. If two or more systems contain details for the same assets and there are inconsistencies in the data, Trelica prioritizes based on the order in which the systems were connected. 

You can override this behavior by changing the priority order of asset source systems from the Assets Settings page. Click Sources to expand the section and then reorder the sources as required. 

Asset source settings.png

You cannot edit asset details provided via an integration from Trelica. To edit asset details, make changes in the source system; the changes are reflected in Trelica when the data is refreshed (either manually or automatically). 

Import assets manually

You can import asset details from an Excel spreadsheet or .csv file. This is useful if your system does not expose an API that Trelica can connect to or if you're not currently using an external system to track your assets.

The file must specify the asset model and manufacturer of each asset. If an asset tag is not specified for an asset, Trelica applies a tag automatically based on the asset tag format. Note that you cannot set values for custom asset fields via an import. 

To import asset details:

  1. From the Asset register expand the context menu and select Import. The Asset imports wizard is displayed.
  2. Select the file containing the data that you want to import and then click Next.

  3. The Mapping step is displayed. Trelica attempts to map the fields in the file to fields in Trelica. To add or change mappings, click the drop-down boxes and select from the lists. Data from any fields that are not mapped is not imported.

    • Asset - The asset model, such as the specific type of laptop, monitor or phone, as described by the manufacturer. Trelica will attempt to match the asset model to our global library of asset models. If a match is not identified, a custom model is added to your library of asset models. For more information, see Manage asset models below. 
    • Type - The category of asset, such as laptop, monitor, keyboard or printer. 
    • Manufacturer - The name of the asset manufacturer, such as HP or Dell. 
    • Status - Whether the asset is new, ready, deployed, in repair or retired. By default, imported assets are set to "new". For more information about setting the asset status, see Update and deploy assets
    • Trelica ID - The unique ID used by Trelica. This is distinct from the asset tag. Only use this field if you are using an import to update existing assets. 
    • Serial number - The serial number provided by the manufacturer. 
    • Asset tag - The unique identifier that your organization uses to keep track of all your assets. If asset tags are not included in the spreadsheet, Trelica applies an asset tag to each asset in line with the defined format. For more information, see Define the asset tag format above. 
    • Assigned to - The email address or name of the person to whom the asset has been assigned. You can also set the assignee when you deploy an asset. For more information, see Update and deploy assets.
    • Location - The location of the asset. You can also set the assignee when you deploy an asset. 
    • For more information, see Update and deploy assets.
    • Description - Details used to identify the asset, such as the physical condition or size. 
    • Purchase date - Date on which the asset was procured. 
    • Warranty expiration date - Date on which the manufacturer's warranty expires. 
    • Net price - Cost of the asset in your site's default currency.
    • Supplier - The company from which you procured the asset.
    • Expected lifespan - The period in months after which you expect to recondition or replace the asset.
    • Notes - Any additional information you want to record in the Asset register.
  4. Once you have finished mapping the fields, click Import. The progress of the import and the number of assets added or updated as a result of the import are displayed.

To  view the assets that have been imported, return to the Asset register

Add assets manually

You can either add assets to the Asset register one at a time or create multiple assets of the same model in one go. The latter is useful if you have recently received a consignment of new laptops or phones, all with the same specification. When creating multiple assets, you cannot add deployment details; this information can be added to the individual assets after they have been created in bulk.

A newly created asset.

Custom asset fields

You can define custom asset fields in addition to the standard asset fields from the Assets Settings. Custom fields are useful for recording additional information about assets, such as the tax paid, the device's operating system, or whether data stored on the device is encrypted. You can populate custom fields for individual assets from the asset details page. 

If you have connected Trelica to an endpoint management system to import asset data automatically, any data that cannot be mapped to the default asset fields is imported into custom asset fields. You can choose whether to display these fields, change the order and edit the help text for each field from the Assets Settings

Note that custom fields created as a result of an integration are not available for manually added assets. 

Custom asset fields.png

Asset models

Each asset in your register must have an asset model, such as the particular model of laptop, monitor or phone.

When you import asset details from a spreadsheet or an external system, Trelica attempts to match each asset to our global library of assets. If an appropriate match does not exist, a custom asset model is created automatically. 

When you add an asset to Trelica manually, you are prompted to choose the relevant model from the library of existing assets. When you select an asset from the list, the asset type, manufacturer and image are pre-populated for you. If your asset model is not listed, you can define a new asset model. The model is added as a custom asset model.

You can view the asset models currently in use in your Asset register, update custom asset models, and search the global asset library from the Assets Settings.

Asset models.png

By default, only in-use models are displayed. Use the filters or select a different view to display other asset models. 

Use the context menu on each row to view the details of asset models from the global library or edit the details of custom asset models. 

We're constantly adding new asset models to the Trelica library. If a custom asset model is subsequently added to our library, your model will be converted to a system model and will no longer be editable.

Next steps

If you have set up an integration to an external system, your Asset register will be updated with details of new assets automatically. If you have imported or added assets manually, you will need to keep updating your Asset register with details of new assets as you procure them. In either case, you can use Trelica to record additional details about assets keep track update and deploy individual assets

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