Once you have set up automated onboarding and/or offboarding, you can track the progress of these activities for particular individuals from the People directory and the Workflow runs page.
If a workflow creates tasks to manage onboarding or offboarding of some apps, task assignees can update the status of individual offboarding tasks from either the Workflow runs page or the Tasks list.
People directory
If your onboarding workflow runs an access plan, you can view the access requests that have been generated for each person from their profile. Open the People directory and select the Access tab. You can also open the associated onboarding workflow run from the Workflows tab.
You can also use the People directory to identify individuals that have have left your organization and still have access to one or more apps. Open the People directory and from the top right-hand corner change the default view to Offboarding. The Applications column indicates the number of apps to which the user still has access.
To view details of the apps that an individual currently has access to, click their name to open their profile and then open the Applications tab.
Workflow runs page
Each time a workflow is triggered, a new run of that workflow is created. In the case of an onboarding or offboarding workflow, each run usually relates to a single person either joining or leaving your organization.
To view the status of each workflow run:
- Select Admin > Workflows and locate your onboarding or offboarding workflow in the list.
- Click the number in the Runs column to open the list of runs, filtered to that workflow.
- From the Subject column, click the individual's name to view the details of the workflow run.
An outline of the workflow is displayed on the left-hand side of the run details page. Click a workflow step to view more details, including the details of any tasks that were raised and the outcome of any provisioning or deprovisioning steps.
For more information, see Managing workflow runs.
Tasks list
You can also use the Tasks list to view any onboarding or offboarding tasks (including those created by the 'Offboard person from apps' workflow step). Open the Tasks page and and filter the list by Type.
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