Google Sheets

Sometimes it's helpful to supplement existing People data with data from a Google Sheet.

Google Sheets produces links that are hard to guess, but are not secured in any other way.

For this reason we do not recommend storing sensitive data for a longer period of time. Ideally, you should manually refresh the integration in Trelica and then remove it from the Google Sheet. Google republishes every 5 minutes.

If data is removed from the sheet, Trelica deliberately does not remove employees from Trelica when it resynchs.

We recommend leaving the headers in your sheet and you can then use this as a way to paste in data into the sheet, refresh the integration, and then remove it.

This way you can quickly update or add new people.

First publish your sheet by going to Share > Publish to web:

Choose Comma-separated values (.csv) as the format, select the sheet to publish and optionally check Automatically republish when changes are made:

Do not check Restrict access to the following.

You will then be shown the published URL which you will need to cut and paste into Trelica:

Column name mappings

Trelica will synchronise the following column names:

Column Name Synonyms
Id Unique Id
Email Email Address
Employee Id Employee Ref
First Name  
Last Name Surname
Name Full Name, Employee Name
Job Title Title
Location Office, Place of Employment, Work Address
Start Date Hire Date, Date of Employment
Leaving Date Termination Date, Termination
Team Ids Team
Person Type Type, Employee Type
Line Manager Email Manager Email

Trelica accepts different capitalization or spacing.

Person types

Person type Synonyms
Employee Fixed Term Employee, Intern, Student
Contractor Consultant, Temp, Casual, Temporary
Service Account System, System Account, Integrations

Please ensure that dates are formatted as yyyy-mm-dd or dd mmm yyyy, e.g. 2023-02-19 or 19 Feb 2023. 

Go to FormatNumberCustom date and time:

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